Featured Photographers:
- Dwayne Evans
- Kira Bucca
- Paul Buceta
- Charles Lucima
- Richard Northwood
- Billy Archos
- Angela Marklew
- Clarens
- Benjo Arwas
- Tricia Lee Pascoe
- Gordon Neilson
- Ema Suvajac
- Saira De Goede
- Hiroki Ota
- Anette Schive
- Mike Nguyen
- Olga Barkhatova
- Pamela Mars
- Yanki Yuksel
This issue offering over 360 pages of amazing photography is by far our largest to date. It comes as a downloadable PDF which can easily be added to tablets for off-line access, or viewed on PCs and Macs. This version of the magazine offer images including nudity. While it’s the same price as the Zinio version, it offers over 60 pages more. If you prefer the G rated version, we recommend buying the magazine on Zinio.
View the trailer of one of the features inside.